Kravchuk Y.B. Intellectual potential - main productive force
15.04.2014, 12:59 | |
Intellectual potential - main productive force A characteristic feature of educational reform in Ukraine is to create a theoretical framework and practical foundation for the successful development of economics as one of the main instruments of the innovation process in education. The creation of additional wealth of business sector and business - are integral components of modern society based on knowledge. Decisive influence on the development of modern civilization exert high technology, rather, intellectual capital. The main vector, which can be a vector of stimulating intellectual capital is the process of creating and using knowledge. Only a person who subordinates his actions demands of reason, becomes independent intellectual. Human intelligence - the main productive force in the world today. It provides an economy of innovation and the information that is the engine of technological progress in the information society . The content of both professional and social role of the intellectual is a mere thought , the work of the mind. Time to move away from a narrow social corporate interests and learn how to determine the identity on the basis of competence and natural abilities. Education has unlimited possibilities for the realization of innovative projects in the educational process : ensuring interaction between science , education and production; effective use of market mechanisms; training. It should be noted that the ratio of knowledge as a commodity began to emerge in recent years in the period of transition to a market economy. If we consider the product as a thing sold and bought , you can imagine in this context knowledge that graduates receive market the university , ie the charge (in terms of purchase ), but in terms of sales knowledge, in our opinion, be regarded as an intellectual capital, the use of which becomes noticeable trend in the development of the knowledge economy . Note on the distribution of those who produce knowledge and those that produce products. And those countries that generate knowledge and skillfully directing them to the economy to a new level , not only economic but also social development. How can assess the value of intellectual capital that goes into the category of goods? At first sight, so are wages for performing skilled labor, but immediately question the objectivity of the evaluation and consideration of all possible factors of influence on the above salaries. While legally regulated a matter of intellectual property protection , but no one had proposed methodology for assessing intellectual capital. If intellectual capital approach , like the one's intangible assets, the relatively separate business entity can be evaluated and even depreciate . But in assessing the intellectual capital to its individual owner ( expert) , this technique is not satisfying. Factors knowledge must conform to industry practice in content and depth of mastery . Compliance with industry practice regulated educational qualification characteristics graduate of the university, in which the objectives of education and training , the content of the education requirements for professional competence and other socially significant properties and qualities , namely: 1. Production functions - engineering , control , organization , information . 2. Typical tasks of and skills that are unique to individual industry regulations . 3. Ability to solve problems and tasks of social work and the necessary skills. Illustrative examples of interference entrepreneurial approach to education is the development of transnational education. One can see the features of modern traditional functioning of higher education institutions , their actions in the international arena in the space market. International Union of transnational education adheres to the principles of good practice that are aimed at improving and maintaining the required level of quality of education. University that provides global education , solve common problems of management, legal requirements , market opportunities, financial problems. The situation is such that almost all countries of the world now reviewing their economic priorities , and how meaningful and rational is such a reorientation of how deliberate choice to economic priorities (along with the fact that the profession of tomorrow will be in demand in the market) depends the fate of the knowledge economy for several decades ahead, the role and position of a country in the global economy . In recent years, several times changing industry standards of education , and can not with reasonable certainty that the process is complete. Put forward many criticisms on the list of subjects in accordance with regulatory requirements. System remains underdeveloped interdisciplinary connections as an essential condition of the complex nature of knowledge. Imperfection of these standards leads to the fact that the same question a student knows the answer , renting a module from one discipline, and does not know when discussing the topic with another discipline , if the theme is based on the questions at issue . Redress is possible only with perfect planning and preparing teaching of learning [ 1]. At the stage of construction of mega society particularly acute need to bring together scientists to work on solving problems of economic knowledge. The most difficult manifestation of globalization, education is perhaps the awareness of public purpose knowledge. On the one hand , there is the threat of devaluation of the national education system , on the other hand, is its transformation , in which interaction with other institutions is becoming an everyday reality , makes education a determinant for the state and society level. The paradigm of information society is fundamentally different from the paradigm of the knowledge society . We agree with O.Dem Sukhyi [1], who proposed the comparative tables paradigms. By his own choice of people under the influence of the information revolution are changing principles of education in society - the vertical hierarchy ( higher education institution - Ministry of Education and Science ) is establishing horizontal linkages. Beginning to form mega society, that society WAN configuration with rapidly changing relationship with it [ 2]. Widespread use of distance education provides opportunities for audio and video communication with administrators and teachers in the on-line and the opportunity to receive on-line certificates. The role of the faculty of the system close communication with students moving in terms of preparation and transmission of educational programs and supporting guidance information. Supporters of the old school of higher sounding the alarm . Indeed , as any objective process , modernization of education in all its manifestations portends serious loss and especially for those schools that remain outside the educational mega system. literature 1. Demyanchuk A. Political and Institutional Aspects of foreign education in Ukraine / / Ukraine in the world. - K. , 2008. - P.102 -112. 2. Matytsyna N. The development of the knowledge economy in the context of their characters / / Economist. - 2008 . - № 4. - P.15. 3 . 4 . | |
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